Creating moments of Shukr (gratitude) through engaging experiences.

Shukr means gratitude, being thankful. Every single moment we have in our lives is a blessing and something to always be grateful for, both in the big moments and the small.

Moments of Shukr is about creating exciting experiences to connect and bring us together. It’s about reminding ourselves that those moments we get to spend with each other as a community is something we should never take for granted. Alhamdulillah.

Upcoming events

  • MOS Ladies Iftar

    Join us for a beautiful evening of reflection, connection, and gratitude!

    Date: Thursday, 13th March
    Time: 6:30 PM
    Location: Marriott Waters Community Centre, 25 Boland Drive, Lyndhurst VIC 3975
    Cost: $20 per person (ages 12+), $5 per child (ages 5-12)

    Look forward to an uplifting halaqah, a peaceful evening walk, Iftar, Maghrib prayers, and a nourishing dinner.

    Young children welcome (under 5 free)!

    Proceeds from this event will go towards supporting Palestine.


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